Tukey’s plots


Paolo Bosetti



See this previous post for more on plotting Tukey’s tests with GGplot2.

John Tukey

Let me discuss another take about Tukey’s plots.

Let’s suppose that we have a two-way experiment (i.e. with two factors) that requires us to do different Tukey’s tests for different levels of a factor.

The following dataset represents the result of a series of experiments for measuring the battery discharge time at different temperatures and for different dielectric material used in the batteries:

  fig.align = "center",
  # This for default device
  out.width = "12cm",
  # This two for high quality charts:
  fig.asp = 9/16
df <- read.table(
  comment = "#",
  header = TRUE
) %>%
  mutate(Temperature = factor(Temperature),
         Material = factor(LETTERS[Material])) %>%

df %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = Temperature, values_from = Response) %>%
  rename_with( ~ paste0(., "°C"), `15`:`125`) %>%
Material Repeat 15°C 70°C 125°C
A 1 130 34 20
B 1 150 136 25
C 1 138 174 96
A 2 155 40 70
B 2 188 122 70
C 2 110 120 104
A 3 74 80 82
B 3 159 106 58
C 3 168 150 82
A 4 180 75 58
B 4 126 115 45
C 4 160 139 60

Let’s plot the data, with bars ranging from minimum to maximum values:

df %>%
  # mutate(Temperature = as.numeric(Temperature)) %>%
  group_by(Temperature, Material) %>%
    Life = mean(Response),
    min = min(Response),
    max = max(Response)
  ) %>%
    x = Temperature,
    y = Life,
    color = Material,
    group = Material
  )) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line() +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = min, ymax = max),
                width = 0.1,
                position = position_dodge(width = 0.1)) +
  labs(y = "Life (hrs)", x = "Temperature (°C)")

Now we want to use a Tukey’s test for comparing those means and identify which ones are significantly different.

We start by building a list of TukeyHSD objects, using levels of Temperature factors as names for the list elements:

alpha <- 0.01
res <- map(levels(df$Temperature),
  ~ TukeyHSD(aov(Response~Material, data=filter(df, Temperature==.)), 
             conf.level = 1-alpha)
names(res) <- levels(df$Temperature)

Now res is a list with three elements: res[["15"]], res[["70"]] e res[["125"]]. Each element in turn has one element, which holds a matrix with the data we need to make the plot. For example:

      diff        lwr       upr     p adj
B-A  21.00  -70.20395 112.20395 0.6633090
C-A   9.25  -81.95395 100.45395 0.9205830
C-B -11.75 -102.95395  79.45395 0.8756855

I need a tibble that holds all the three matrices, with an additional column that holds the temperature. Something like:

res[["15"]][[1]] %>%
  fortify() %>%
  rownames_to_column("pair") %>%
  add_column(T = "15", .before = "pair")
   T pair   diff        lwr       upr     p adj
1 15  B-A  21.00  -70.20395 112.20395 0.6633090
2 15  C-A   9.25  -81.95395 100.45395 0.9205830
3 15  C-B -11.75 -102.95395  79.45395 0.8756855

but repeated for the other two levels of Temperature.

I can do this using the purrr::reduce() function, which is similar to map(), but accumulates the elements of the list it operates on into a container specified by the .init parameter, which we set initially to an empty tibble:

names(res) %>%
  reduce(                                       # needs two-args function
    .init = tibble(),                           # initial accumulator
    function(tbl, key) {                        # key is the Temp level
        tbl,                                    # tbl is the accumulator
        res[[key]][[1]] %>%                     # extract the matrix
          fortify() %>%                         # convert to tibble
          rownames_to_column("pair") %>%
          add_column(T = key, .before = "pair") # add the T column
    }) %>%
  mutate(Significant = `p adj` < alpha) %>%
T pair diff lwr upr p adj Significant
15 B-A 21.00 -70.203952 112.20395 0.6633090 FALSE
15 C-A 9.25 -81.953952 100.45395 0.9205830 FALSE
15 C-B -11.75 -102.953952 79.45395 0.8756855 FALSE
70 B-A 62.50 7.647739 117.35226 0.0045670 TRUE
70 C-A 88.50 33.647739 143.35226 0.0004209 TRUE
70 C-B 26.00 -28.852261 80.85226 0.2177840 FALSE
125 B-A -8.00 -67.947867 51.94787 0.8673817 FALSE
125 C-A 28.00 -31.947867 87.94787 0.2261123 FALSE
125 C-B 36.00 -23.947867 95.94787 0.1062483 FALSE

Now I can plot the data. This time I am using the purrr shortcut for the inline function, replacing the function(tbl, key) {...} with ~ {...}:

names(res) %>%
  reduce(.init = tibble(), ~ {
      res[[.y]][[1]] %>%
        fortify() %>%
        rownames_to_column("pair") %>%
        add_column(T = .y, .before = "pair")
  }) %>%
  mutate(Significant = `p adj` < 0.01) %>%
    x = pair,
    y = diff,
    group = T,
    color = T
  )) +
  geom_point(position = position_dodge(width = 0.2)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "red") +
      ymin = lwr,
      ymax = upr,
      linetype = Significant
    width = 0.2,
    position = position_dodge(width = 0.2)
  ) +
  scale_linetype_manual(values = c(2, 1)) +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(y = "Life difference (hrs)", x = "Materials", color = "Temp. (°C)")

The plot shows that the only two cases where the dielectric material actually makes a significant difference in the battery discharge time are the B-A and C-A differences at 70°C.

That’s all, folks!